ML Infomap
India Maps, GIS Product & Solutions, Mobile & Server Apps

  L O G I S T I C S

Collection or distribution of products is an essential function and important cost component of many businesses. It can be a very demanding logistic exercise in rural India where transport is possible only along specific routes and communication links can be weak. Besides, the local transport network and burgeoning hamlets may not even be represented on any map. So, modelling the geographical area, showing a company’s collection and distribution points, are the beginning of IT interventions to help staff plan and monitor collection and distribution, while sitting in their office. We have successfully created the most detailed transport network for rural districts and algorithms to represent FMCG product distribution for companies like ITC and for milk collection co-operatives.


This case study 'Transportation: A Successful Geospatial Solution Case Study' appeared in the FICCI publication `Geospatial Technologies in India: Select Success Stories’, 2017. It is a use case of IOCL, a fortune 500 company. GIS related services and solutions.

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